Thursday, November 17, 2005


This is the guild blog for South Shore Mafia. Those of you from the guild, please post and let me know who you are.

The plan is to use this as a precursor to a website. For the time being, we can coordinate here until the website gets online. Anyone got any html skillz?

This is Hollymaggot


Blogger Fendi said...

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6:59 PM  
Blogger Fendi said...

What's up SSM peeps. My name is Jason. I am known as Fendicano, and have that name as my Tauren Druid (formerly a Laughing Skull SSM member) as well as my Human Mage (Gurubashi). John is lying, he's not good looking at all. I know this as I work right across from him and am much better looking. Right now I am on an unwanted hiatus from WoW due to financial stuffs, but I will be back.

I have a decent amount of html knowledge and a small amount of Java Script knowledge (mostly editing scripts to do more what I want them to). Maggot, if you need anything, you know where to find me.

7:01 PM  
Blogger RamblingMaggot said...

LOL. We are moving forward on Gurubashi. SSM is essentially dead on LS. Looks like we may have a website fairly soon. WOOT!

6:54 AM  

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